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351 series high wind pressure open-air dive Kong Zuanche
351 series high wind pressure open-air dive Kong Zuanche
0.00 元
351 series high wind pressure open-air dive Kong ZuancheThe DXB-120 series (351 series) the high wind pressure open-air to dive Kong Zuanche the compressed air to make the power to complete the drilli
351 series high wind pressure open-air dive Kong Zuanche的詳細介紹
351 series high wind pressure open-air dive Kong Zuanche
The DXB-120 series (351 series) the high wind pressure open-air to dive Kong Zuanche the compressed air to make the power to complete the drilling machine to move the function rock drilling work completely. Is mainly suitable for open-air mine mining, the construction foundation excavates, engineering project constructions and so on water conservation, power plant, transportation, drills the rock artillery hole.
major technique specification: DXB-120H DXB-120M DXB-120L
work wind pressure (MPa): 1.05~2.46 1.05~1.4 0.5~0.7
gas consumption (m3/min): 17~21 17~21 17
hole diameter (mm): 110~145 110~145 85~125
uses for parts the impactor: The sign matches DHD340A The sign matches DHD340A The sign matches CIR90
hole depth (m): Level 30, downward 20 Level 30, downward 20 Level 30 downward 20
drills the horizontal hole to be highest (mm): 3370 3400 3400
the horizontal hole is lowest (horizontal position) (mm): 254 500 185
under becomes the angle to the hole and the ground: 0~90 0~90 0~90
under becomes the angle of depression to the hole and the ground: 15 15 15
a advancement traveling schedule (mm): 4000 4000 4000
drill rod length mm: 3000 3000 3000
drill rod diameter mm: 76 76 60
the propeller makes up tastes length mm: 1200 1000 1000
biggest lifting capacity (N): >=1200 >=1000 >=1000
slide rails pitching angle: Level upward 45, downward 60 Level upward 45, downward 60 levels upward 45, downward 60
slide rails swinging angle: Left 50, right 35 Left 50, right 35 Left 90, right 45
the drill arm bends down the angle: Level upward 55, downward 15 Level upward 55, downward 15 Level upward 55, downward 15
the drill arm suspends the angle: About each 45 About each 45 About 45
single plane climbing power: 32 25 25
walks the good speed (KM/h): 3 3 3
whirler rotational speed (rpm): 0~72 0~72 40±5
rotary torque (N.m): 2520 2520 850
complete machine weight: (Kg) 5300 5300 5000
the external dimensions (mm) is long, width, high: 6900×2260×1800 6750×2260×1800 6750×2260×1800
dust removal way: Wet, the dry type (may elect) Wet, the dry type (may elect)
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